How to view the processes and resource usage on my VPS


Glances is a cross-platform curses-based monitoring tool which is used to see the process and resources usage. It provides the monitoring details of following:

  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Load
  • Process list
  • Network interface
  • Disk I/O
  • Raid
  • Sensors
  • Filesystem
  • Docker
  • Monitor
  • Alert
  • System info
  • Uptime

To install the Glances on your VPS, please user the following command.

On Ubuntu/Debian

sudo apt-get update -y

 sudo apt-get install glances -y

On CentOS/Fedora

sudo yum update -y

 sudo yum install glances -y

To check the monitor the server using Glances run the following command:


Output will look like following:



It is used to determine the cause of load by each process. It is similar to the task manager in Windows Environment.

To install the htop on your server, please use following commands.

On Ubuntu/Debian

sudo apt-get update -y

 sudo apt-get install htop -y

On CentOS/Fedora

sudo yum update -y

 sudo yum install htop -y

To check the monitor the server using HTOP run the following command:


Output will look like following:



This is the default monitoring tool for Linux systems. It is used to determine the cause of load by each process. It is similar to the task manager in Windows Environment.

Since it is default tool in Linux, there is no need to install it.

To check the monitor the server using TOP run the following command:


Output will look like following:

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