NL1 Datacenter New Location Update

We are happy to announce that our NL1 datacenter is now located at the BiT datacenter in Ede, The Netherlands.

All existing customers of our NL1 setup are now located in the BiT datacenter, and any new order directed to the NL1 datacenter will be provisioned at this datacenter.

Datacenter Information:

Address: BIT datacenter Galileïlaan 19, 6716 BP Ede, Netherlands

Datacenter FeatureInformation
Fire detectionan independent, certified very early warning system with
automatic notification to fire brigade
Fire extinguishingcertified Argonite (Ar+N2) installation
Cooling installationN+1 computairs
N+1 cooling machines
Cooling power output1500 W/m²
Temperature25 ℃ (+/- 2 ℃) in cold paths
Lightning protection     certified according to NEN norms
Electrical installationtwo incoming feeds into rack
separate UPS for every feed
Emergency power supplyN+1 diesel aggregates
Diesel supply    48 hours
Power per rackup to 96 A
Information securityISO/IEC 27001 and NEN 7510 certified
Physical security             VEC certified safety class 4*
Alarmredundant connection to control centre
Surveillancetwo independent surveillance services
Camerasinside and outside the data centers
Access controltwo factor authentication
biometric iris scanners
RFID access passes

At the same time, one can find upto date and accurate information at the datacenters own website as well,

We hope this migration will ensure better stability and availability of services for our customers located at our NL1 datacenter.

For any further information or concerns, please feel free to contact us via the client area.


-Team CrownCloud

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