bookmark_borderImprovements to Dark Mode in our Control Panel


As part of our constant process of development and improvement of our in-house control panel, we decided to revisit one of the most subtle yet most “seen” feature, the dark mode theme.

Over the past weeks, we’ve had a look at the color palette used in our dark mode theme and found a couple of areas which we can improve on for a better user experience.

The first thing apparent to us was, how “bright” our text was, using … Read More

bookmark_borderUbuntu 20.10 Template now available for KVM


We’re happy to announce that Ubuntu 20.10 is now available as an operating system choice for our KVM based plans in our control panel.

You can refer to the following guide to install the operating system on KVM based VPS’s,

Stay tuned for further updates!… Read More

bookmark_borderUbuntu 20.04 KVM Template Updated


For this New Year, we’ve updated our templates to ensure quick deployment of VPSes with the latest available version of the operating system, We have updated the Ubuntu 20.04 Template for our KVM based plans. The update has been made available on all host-nodes, so any new VPS setup will have the latest.

You can refer to the following guide to install the operating system on KVM based VPS’s,

Stay tuned for further updates!… Read More

bookmark_borderDebian 9 KVM Template Updated


As part of our monthly cycle of updating templates to ensure quick deployment of VPSes with the latest available version of the operating system, We have updated the Debian 9 Template for our KVM based plans. The update has been made available on all host-nodes, so any new VPS setup will have the latest.

You can refer to the following guide to install the operating system on KVM based VPS’s,

Stay tuned for further updates!… Read More

bookmark_border2Factor Authentication in CrownPanel


In this week’s feature highlight, we look at How to enable 2Factor Authentication in CrownPanel

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security process in which users provide two different authentication factors to verify themselves. This process is done to better protect both the user’s credentials and the resources the user can access.

It’s easy to enable the 2Factor authentication in our control panel.

Step 1: Enable,

To enable 2Factor Authentication, log in to your account, head over to the Account … Read More

bookmark_borderCentOS Stream 8 template now available for KVM

Hey There!
We’re happy to announce that CentOS Stream 8 is now available as an operating system choice on our KVM based plans in our control panel.

You can refer to the following guide to install the operating system on KVM based VPSes

Stay tuned for further updates!

Follow us on CrownCloud BlogTwitter, and Facebook for updates regarding current offers and other updates.… Read More

bookmark_borderReset root password on KVM based VPS


In this week’s feature highlight, we look at How to Reset root password on KVM based VPS

This will only work on the following operating systems,

  1. CentOS
  2. Debian
  3. Ubuntu


  1. This requires an uncrypted drive/partition setup to function
  2. This requires the VPS to be in a powered off/shutdown state

Click on the “Manage” button beside the VPS you wish to reset the password for,

Next switch to the “Settings” tab,

and click on the “Reset Password” button … Read More

bookmark_borderDisabling VNC in CrownPanel


In this week’s feature highlight, we look at How to Disabling VNC in CrownPanel

This will only disable the VNC offered by CrownPanel and NOT any VNC server or RDP (if Windows) you may have running on your VPS.

Login to CrownPanel at

Click on the “Manage” button beside the VPS you wish to manage,


Then switch to the Settings tab and click on the Disable VNC button (to disable VNC) or the Enable VNC button (to enable … Read More

bookmark_borderHow to mount an ISO or CD-ROM on your VPS


In this week’s feature highlight, we look at How to mount an ISO or CD-ROM on your VPS

This is applicable only to KVM based VPSes on CrownPanel

Login to CrownPanel at the following URL:

Click on the “Manage” button beside the VPS you wish to manage


Switch to the CD-ROM tab and select the ISO/CD-ROM you wish to mount from the dropdown list and click on the Mount button,


Wait upto 60 seconds for the task to … Read More

bookmark_borderInstalling Incredible PBX from CrownPanel


In this week’s feature highlight, we look at How to Install Incredible PBX from CrownPanel

  1. Open a Support Ticket with us requesting to add the Incredible PBX 2020 template to your account.
  2. IncrediblePBX can be installed with a 1-Click re-install option in the CrownPanel and you can find it under CentOS re-install option with the label incrediblepbx2020, for Instructions on how to re-install you can click here
  3. Next, SSH into the server to complete the remaining installation steps.
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