New Years Greetings

Hey There!

We would like to thank you for being on the journey with us this past year. We wish you the best of luck, prosperity, and health this new year and we look forward to serving you,

We’d like to use this opportunity to share/showcase some of the key goals we’ve achieved this past year!

New Products,

We added a new AMD Ryzen 9 5950X Powered product at the start of this year past year under the SSD KVM product line-up,

These new AMD Ryzen 9 5950X powered products are available at,

  • Los Angeles, USA
  • Atlanta, USA (Ryzen 9 3950X available currently, Ryzen 9 5950X to be made available shortly)
  • Frankfurt, DE

Checkout our blog post for more information on this, click here

cPanel and DirectAdmin upgraded to SSD

All of our cPanel and DirectAdmin powered services were upgraded over to SSD-based storage, plus with a much newer CPU, better RAID controller, and faster memory.

This upgrade has been key in ensuring better stability and consistent performance, and the shift to SSDs has given us a major boost in disk performance which has ensured that every website, from the smallest to the largest we host has seen a major improvement in loading times.

Checkout our blog post for more information on this, click here 

UI Improvements on CrownPanel

We’ve constantly worked on improving the functions available in our control panel, and this past year our primary focus was on the usability, UI, and improving things on the inside of the control panel, to improve performance and reduce the loading time as well,

Some of the key (user-visible) improvements we’ve made this year are, 

Apart from the above, We’ve improved the performance of the dashboard, users with multiple VPSes now see much much better loading times.

New Templates 

As always we try to ensure that there’s good availability of operating system templates for all our customers, this past year we’ve updated various templates as well as made available the following new templates,

  • Alma Linux 8 (KVM and OpenVZ)
  • CentOS 8 Stream (KVM and OpenVZ)
  • Debian 11 (KVM and OpenVZ)
  • RockyLinux 8 (KVM only)
  • Ubuntu 21.04 (KVM only)
  • Ubuntu 21.10 (KVM only)

IncrediblePBX (one-click PBX solution)

We would like to thank Ward Mundy from IncrediblePBX for creating a simple way to provision Incredible PBX on our platform.
You can install an instance with below versions and get started with PBX.

LA1 Network Upgrade

Another key goal we achieved this year was improving the performance of our LA1 datacenter network, while in the past we did have a good amount of spare network capacity, the network design/devices-in-use did not allow us to scale better in the future, so a network upgrade was performed wherein we upgraded all the network devices in use to better devices which allowed us to scale better and allow for better networking at our LA1 datacenter.

ATL Router Upgrade

One of the last upgrades we performed for this year was the upgrade of our core router at Atlanta, the previous router had certain restrictions on it due to the memory available on it which caused issues in certain

-Team CrownCloud

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